Ένα ακόμα update έλαβε το Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores στο PS5, το οποίο στοχεύει κυρίως στη διόρθωση ορισμένων bugs και στη γενικότερη βελτίωση της εμπειρίας του χρήστη.
Το update 1.25 είναι μέρος μιας σειράς μικροαλλαγών που φέρνει η Guerrilla Games, με σκοπό να βελτιώσει το DLC. Μεταξύ άλλων, το update αυτό περιέχει πολλές βελτιώσεις στα main και τα side quests, τα activities, τα world machines και τα όπλα του παιχνιδιού, ενώ διορθώθηκαν και ορισμένα crash fixes. Παρακάτω ακολουθούν μερικά από τα σημαντικότερα highlights του update 1.25:
Main Quests
- Fixed an issue in “To The Burning Shores” where the Defense Drone’s laser VFX were not visible after dying/restarting checkpoint.
- Fixed an issue in “To The Burning Shores” where the “Search for a Way Up the Tower” objective could not be completed if the player destroys the pullable ceiling too early.
Side Quests
- Stopped Gildun’s hands from clipping through Aloy’s hair when Gildun gives her a hug.
- Fixed an issue in “A Friend in the Dark” where Aloy is able to place the Pullable Box halfway through the elevator’s exit which conditionally blocks further progression if the player jumps down.
World Activities
- Fixed several treasure chests that were located under the ground’s geometry.
- Fixed Aloy saying that she’s “picking up another signal” after completing Aerial Capture: South.
- Fixed an issue where the Stingspawn’s eye light shone brightly in the distance, but the Stingspawn itself wasn’t visible.
- Fixed the Stormbird’s repeated use of the “Thunder Dive” attack without a triggering cooldown.
- Fixed an issue where the Weapon Wheel displays an incorrect amount of ammo for the Specter Gauntlet if Aloy is forced to stow her weapon by a Status Effect while she is aiming a Designator.
- Acid Resistance boost lowered by 10% on Quen Deadeye, Quen Commander, Blacktide Quen Commander and Tenakth Vanquisher to align the acid resistance to the other elementals
- Fixed an issue where Aloy was unable to equip weapons following a Clamberjaw attack.
Performance and Stability
- Added several crash fixes.
- Fixed several locations where the player could get stuck.
Έτσι, παρόλο που δεν περιέχονται μεγάλες αλλαγές στα mechanics ή στο σύστημα του παιχνιδιού, το update αυτό αναμένεται να βελτιώσει αρκετά την συνολική εμπειρία του DLC.
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